Tuesday 3 June 2014

How to get a bikini belly

There is nothing more attractive than getting your very own bikini belly. Well here are some tips to help you get your own bikini ready stomach.

Unfortunately crunches alone are not going to get you your bikini belly.

Let’s take a moment to look at what happens when you are putting on belly fat. We start to gain weight in our mid sections when we are stressed because our body has too much cortisol. This process breaks down lean muscle. This is a problem because lean muscle is the tissue that burns calories most efficiently. Usually stress leads to a bad diet and the whole process spirals out of control. This means that even if you restrict your calories you can have a problem with stubborn belly fat.

Luckily all is not lost. You can get a bikini belly you just need to understand how to maximise your diet and workout. For example, did you know that there are 3 fat burning vegetables?

Start today to get your bikini belly by getting enough sleep, using short bursts of exercise and cutting down on your sugar (including baked goods.)

Increase your vitamin C intake as this helps to balance out your cortisol. Vitamin C comes from oranges, strawberries and even bell peppers. Vitamin C is a friend for anyone wanting to burn fat or get a bikini belly.

Eat more omega 3 fats by eating fatty fish like salmon or other foods that are high in omega 3 such as avocado and walnuts. Not only do omega 3 oils help fight heart disease and fat they also help fight depression. They are not made in the body so you need to take them as supplements or eat them in your diet.

Eat more vegetables and fruit to increase the nutrition that you get from your food. This can help your body to function better and it will mean that you can spend less money on vitamins and other supplements.

Exercise is vital for weight loss, especially around the belly. The trick is to do the right kind of exercises. Not only do you need to do cardio but you need to do a ranged workout that includes some weights and core exercises.

You can also try some breathing exercises to slow down your breathing. This should help your body relax and cope better with stress.

These are some simple tips to help you get the bikini belly that you have always wanted.

Lose stubborn belly fat fast

Belly fat can be one of the most stubborn fats on your body. It is also often one of the first places where we put on weight. This can be dangerous because belly fat presses on and encloses our organs. This can cause all sorts of problems including type 2 diabetes.

To get rid of that stubborn belly fat you need to do three things, eat better, exercise and get enough rest.

Eat better
Did you know that there are belly busting foods? That’s right I am talking about foods that actually help you lose weight.

5 belly busting foods:
1.     Water not only helps your body with a range of functions but it also makes you feel more full if you drink a glass before you eat. This way you eat less food but don’t feel hungry.
2.     Green tea contains ingredients that help your fat cells to release fat. This works really well if you drink two cups ion the morning.
3.     Hot peppers contain capsaicin that gives peppers their bite. It also kicks up your metabolism by around 20% for 30 minutes after you have eaten them. This is great for busting the belly fat.
4.     Beans are not only full of fibre that helps you bust your belly but it is also very hydrating so include more beans like pinto beans in your diet.
5.     Fish is great for your brain and your gut. Not only can you get omega oils from good fish but it is a much better protein for your body helping you lose your fat stomach.

These foods not only help you lose weight but they also help your body perform better overall.

Cardio is often seen as the only kind of exercise you should be doing. There is also a common misconception that crunches alone can get you to trim down in the tummy area.

This is not the case though.

You need a good exercise routine that involves everything from cardio to weights in order to really get rid of fat around your mid section.

The cardio helps you lose overall weight while the weights help you tone your muscles and build insulin receptors on your cells. This, in turn, helps your body to work better and cope better with food generally.

A good exercise program is varied enough to keep you interested while you lose weight. Being bored is one of the most common reasons for quitting the gym, so make sure you get the right kind of workout for you.

Get enough rest
Stress makes our bodies think that it is fight or flight mode. This means that you either lose or gain appetite throwing off your balance of eating. Stress also forces our bodies to store fat for the famine when it is in high stress mode for a long time.

Getting enough rest can help you overcome stress and cope better with the day to day stresses that could cause you to gain weight.

To sleep better at night try some of these tips:
·       Go to sleep at the same time every night. While this may be more difficult to do on the weekends it’s really important to try. It will condition your body into a good sleep pattern and make it easier for you to sleep during times of stress.
·       Wake up at the same time every day. Waking time is also about setting your body clock to allow you to get enough rest but also wake up feeling ready to face the world.
·       Get rid of bad sleep influences such as noise and light. Set your iPhone to automatically go onto Do Not Disturb setting an hour before bed and set it to wake up an hour after bed. This will keep your phone silent and buzz free while you sleep. You can get blackout lining for your curtains to keep the pesky streetlights and neighbours lights out of your bedroom.
·       Get an app that provides background noise to drown out the cars outside, the next door barking dog and give you an even restful sleep. I like the app called White Noise Ambient light. I listen to the ocean while I sleep and wake up far more rested than I would if I were interrupted by the neighbor’s dog.  

To sum up, there are 3 belly busting tips that you can use to lose that stubborn belly fat. They are not difficult to do but some people may want additional information and help to keep them motivated.

What is type 2 diabetes?

You can control diabetes type 2

Type 2 diabetes is not the end of your wellbeing. You can control diabetes. To be able to control diabetes you should control your blood sugar levels, stick to a healthy diet and become more physically active.

Glucose levels have a cumulative effect over time, damaging the nerves, organs and blood vessels. Being able to control diabetes will lessen the impact that it has on your body contributing to a longer healthy and balanced life.

The ability to control diabetes comes from being aware. Knowing how much you weigh, how you can lose weight, what you eat and how much activity you do are all crucial components of learning to manage diabetes.

Often we eat more than we realise or more of the bad stuff than we are aware of. If you really want to control your diabetes you need to start putting in place strategies to becoming more aware. These typically include:

• A meal journal where you log all of your meals
• A meal plan that controls the amount of good and bad food which you eat
• Becoming aware about the types of food you can eat
• Understanding portion sizes and making sure you get the right amount of each type of food
• An exercise buddy who are able to help you keep on track with your exercise goals and objectives
• The right kind of workouts to help you slim down on your stomach area

In order to put such steps in place you need to start by educating yourself on what you should be doing and why. This often helps you to stay on track because you aren’t just following a blind idea, you understand why.

Next you should see a dietician who can help you put together a meal plan. Or you could do your own research on meal plans that work to control diabetes.

Finally you should consider getting a personal trainer who can maximize your exercise time and help you reach your objectives sooner. If you don’t want to use a personal trainer then there are a number of fitness magazines and websites that are worth looking into. Ideally you want to do a lot of cardio work in order to help control your diabetes.

It is possible to control type 2 diabetes and lead a normal life. It is even possible to reverse type 2 diabetes by following a few simple steps. The key to any large lifestyle change is awareness.